It has been a while. A super long while. I really wanted to get something out again after so much silence. This pandemic and change in daily living has really thrown a wrench in so many hopes and plans I had created. Everything really feels like it came to a standstill even though time kept moving on.
Myself with a the hidden bridge I found at work.
It took many baby steps but I managed to keep moving forward where I could or banking things for the future. I was counting all my money and budgeting finally, so I could be prepared for anything. I was making a point that I didn’t stop showering or taking care of me, so I wouldn’t feel like I had created new problems to fix when I did finally leave my house again. I tried a new lifestyle for eating habits to feel more energy and good about myself again. Let me tell you, this was super hard work. This was a matter of balance and finding one thing a day that I could call progress and to give myself a good feeling. Now here we are, over a year later and I have many little things to feel great about.
I have been making updates on this website. You might notice new sections, articles moved around, and a lovely new navigation bar. The Little Shop is now here in it’s new home from Ko-Fi so I can keep nearly everything together for you. I have a new Youtube Web series that I slowly release but it brings me so much joy. I have it linked here as well for you with This Food in History. I finished a class finally, that I had to postpone last March and got a new contract signed that is bringing me so much joy and fulfilling a childhood dream.
I still have so many things that bring me stress and worry, but I have the little things and some bigger things to keep moving forward and find progress in myself. That is something that keeps me going day to day until one day, things are better for all of us.
I hope you can find your little things that bring you some progress and some means to keep stepping forward, no matter how hard it may be right now.