
Here’s Me

I want to share the joy of cooking and travel with everyone!

Dolce Far Niente

This Italian saying is almost an untranslatable phrase but means essentially ‘sweetness in doing nothing’ or enjoying life in the moments of idleness. The book and movie Eat, Pray, Love brought this out of Italy to the world at large and the way it is explained resonated with me. We know how to be entertained, but not how to take pleasure or enjoy. We don’t know how to appreciate things around us and everything is about what we have earned the right to have.

This concept reminds me of the Japanese concept of “Ma.” “Ma” is the space between actions, the pauses in life that give us time for contemplation and allow us to think. Studio Ghibli always includes these moments in their movies to allow us to breathe and experience the movie with the characters. These moments that in any other setting might seem boring, but bring us all together instead.

I’m the type that always uses rewards as motivators and to earn a break and while it works when I have goals, these simple concepts made me realize it’s not working with my ability to live my life. I can’t enjoy my idle time if I feel guilt to have it, or feeI I have to work to earn it. I can’t be happy or at peace if the rat race never leaves my mind no matter what I’m doing.


I might not know how yet, but I am resolving to start living in a new way. Dolce far niente. La mia vita è mia. Those moments of quiet will be mine and mine alone. Sitting and enjoying, taking note of my surrounds, and feeling each breath as it passes. Everything in between will be mine again. “Ma” will always be there for me to slow down and make sure my path is correct and each day brings new opportunities for idleness to bring me back to the joy of life.

Finding Progress

Promises I Can't Keep