
Here’s Me

I want to share the joy of cooking and travel with everyone!

Summer Escape: Strawberry Kiwi Popsicles

Summer Escape: Strawberry Kiwi Popsicles

Prep: 3 minutes Freeze: At least a couple hours

This was an experiment that went amazing. I had peeped a recipe a long time ago on a website that has long since removed it and it’s always bothered me that I didn’t save it. I really wanted to make this taste that reminded me of childhood with strawberry kiwi Tropicana. I made this up as I went and it worked great.


  • ~ 6 strawberries

  • 1 kiwi

  • 1 tbls lemon juice

  • 1/4 cup yogurt (I used vanilla but you can also use plain. It’s to give it a creamy texture)

  • Honey in an amount that feels right. (I just squeezed til it seemed good)


This does require you to have the molds

This does require you to have the molds

  1. Add all the above to a food processor, or blender maybe, but I liked my food processor

  2. Mix fully until a good, thick liquid

  3. Strain if you really want to get rid of the seeds, I did not

  4. Taste and adjust flavors as needed. More lemon if too sweet etc..

  5. Pour into Popsicle molds

  6. Freeze


These were basically smoothies and not too sweet. This froze well and was a great treat to have during work the next day. It was a frozen fun way to eat it, that didn’t feel too heavy and had that wonderful strawberry-kiwi taste that I adore. A fun snack for little ones or more and you’re controlling the sugar content and no artificial flavors.

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