Uncultured Palate

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Ice Cream Bowls

Once upon a Pinterest, I saw a recipe that used melted chocolate and water balloons to revamp ice cream sundaes. I wanted to try it, but I had no balloons. We tried something that was just crazy enough to work on stream to make do without them. Ice cream bowls are a fun way to make a mess and impress at maybe the same time. But mostly to make a mess.


  • Melting chocolate as you see fit. I only made 1 serving so I didn’t need much.

  • Saran wrap

  • Ice cream of choice

  • Toppings of choice

  • Cup


  1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl or on a plate if you can’t get to a bowl like my options

  2. Add a dollop of chocolate onto parchment paper to make a stable base

  3. Take the saran wrap and place it over the cup.

  4. Press down to make a hole but make sure all four sides are still over the edge

  5. This is a choose your own adventure part

  1. Water Method

    1. Pour some water into the saran wrap to make a balloon like bulge in the bottom, Gather the top and tie it off so the water won’t spill

    2. Hold this over the chocolate and roll it around to coat the bottom and sides from halfway down the water. I used a spoon to make sure it covered up the edges

    3. Set this on the dollop and make a choice

    4. Either hold it here until it hardens or slowly let it drop so the water flattens it out to make a wider, almost plate like bowl. If you do this, add to freezer to chill and harden faster. If you do the other version when it starts to harden, try to release slowly to not crack it, and add to freezer to chill

  2. Cup Only Method

    1. Pour the chocolate straight into the saran wrap

    2. Use a spoon to coat the sides of the wrap inside of the cup

    3. Add to the freezer to harden and chill

Pull whatever method you used, out of the freezer when it has hardened

  1. Very carefully peel the saran wrap upwards, the chocolate will slide off and likely only the weaker tips might crack or break

  2. Scoop in ice cream as desired

  3. Add toppings as desired


This should not have worked. The balloon is used for uniformity and a better overall look and bowl shape, however this worked. I can’t believe it, but it did. The saran wrap was a perfect choice as it pealed quickly and easily from the chocolate and I didn’t really break much of it that way. Eating a sundae this was was fun (I used mini M&Ms and chocolate syrup) but breaking the chocolate to eat with it was a bit more of a challenge than expected. This was delightful though easily messy way to enjoy ice cream.