Uncultured Palate

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Cinnamon Madeleines

Prep: 20 minutes + Cooling Bake: 12 minutes or so

I have always wanted to try madeleines as they always look so fluffy and tasty. I’m not a big fan of lemon so I’ve always kept my distance however. While scrolling around I noticed a recipe by BakerbyNature and I just had to try. I decided to change things up just slightly though. Instead of lemon zest, I added cinnamon and this worked out great. They cooked up nice and easy and tasty like a cinnamon cake. Note: I am putting in the original measurements, while I did a half version of this recipe to not make as many. This is one that does require a tool which is madeleine molds.


  • 1 stick unsalted butter

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

  • ~1 1/2 tsp cinnamon (I love cinnamon and always add extra)

  • 1 cup flour

  • 1 1/4 tsp baking powder

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 3 eggs room temp (you want them sitting out, I carried mine around to use body heat to help warm them up)

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar

  • Powdered sugar as needed to dust with later


  1. Warm a pot to about medium heat

  2. Slice the butter and add to the pot. You’ll be wanting to brown the butter so this will need timing and attention. Let the butter melt, and reduce the heat to low immediately. Then stir it as you go, watching things. It will start to turn brown and solidify a bit on the bottom. You don’t want it to burn, just get to a golden brown. When it is, pour it into a bowl

  3. Mix in the vanilla and cinnamon and let it sit to cool

  4. Add the salt, baking powder and flour to a different bowl and mix it around then set it aside as well

  5. In another bowl (mixing bowl if you have a mixer) Add the eggs. Using a whisk start to beat them at a medium speed (or just as your hand can go if you don’t have a mixer) While this is mixing slowly add in the sugar to get mixed in as well. You’ll want this to run for a while so that the eggs turn pale and fluff up to a thick mixture. Similar to when we did sponge cakes.

  6. When this is done you can transfer this to a larger bowl if you have one but start to fold in the flour mixture. You’ll want to do it likely in three parts or so, getting it folded in well before adding the next section.

  7. Fold in the butter mixture after that. You’ll want to make sure not to lose too much of the air that you’ve been adding

  8. Cover the bowl and let it chill. It’s recommended to chill for at least 4 hours or up to 2 days. I did a couple hours as I was on a time limit.

  9. Preheat oven to 375 F when getting ready to bake

  10. Prepare your molds by rubbing with butter and slight flour beforehand

  11. Use a spoon to add a dollop into the mold, you don’t need to flatten it, as it will melt down and fill the mold as it bakes. I used around a tablespoon per mold

  12. Bake for around 10 minutes and keep an eye. You’ll want to catch them when the center pops up and the color is browning. The cinnamon in these hides the golden brown you’d look for in normal ones, so keep an eye on the edges. They’ll brown well for you to notice.

  13. Let cool over a cooling rack and pop out of the molds when cool enough

  14. Dust with powdered sugar


These were so amazing. I’m tempted to make the original with the lemon but man was the cinnamon so good. The powdered sugar still went great with it, but I was close to treating it like pancakes and adding in syrup as well. They were light with crispy edges that went together so well. The powdered sugar was the perfect topping and everything was just a great experience with these. Super easy and delightful to make.